How do you make money?

Mom (driving): Reya I need petrol. Let me check if I have cash.
Reya (strapped behind in her seat): Mamma, आप के पास तो पैसे होंगे। आप ko gauta पैसे देता है?
Mom: Mamma earns her own money Reya. Mamma भी काम करती है ना।
Reya: hmm... तो आप ko computer से पैसे मिलते हैं?
Mom (smiling): Yes that's right Reya.
Reya: तो computer मैं button दबा te हैं और पैसे निकल आते हैं?
Mom (laughing): Haha I wish Reya.


gautam said…
Ha ha, that little kitten ...
:-) :-)
अरे हिन्दी में पूरी चिट्ठी क्यों नहीं लिखते।
somum said…
This is HILARIOUS!!! It is early morning for me and I can barely open my eyes, but I'm rolling on the floor reading all this from Reya. No offense to mama but I must say Reya seems to have picked her quick wits from her daddy. You folks can create a small comic book based on these snippets, something like a Dilbert and retire to a nice island!

Unknown said…
oof what a smart aleck! she must be thinking all these oldies can't think of simple solutions that she comes up with!
loving this blog! keep it up reya :)

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