
Showing posts from 2008

Discerning eye!

Reya browsing through our old albums. She goes through one of our trip to Jaisalmer, from many years ago when Gautam was still at NIIT (before going to NID). Reya (disgusted look): यह Gauta कैसा लग रहा है मम्मा। कितने बेकार कपड़े पहने हैं। After flipping a few more pages: में कहाँ हूँ मम्मा? मेरे को क्यूँ नहीं ले गए?

Unexpected authority

Reya is going to a birthday party. I'm driving. Gautam and Vivek are taking a ride till the mall. Reya: आप लोग नहीं आ सकते पार्टी में सिर्फ़ बच्चे आ सकते है। Gautam & Vivek: हम तो आ रहे हैं। Reya: नहीं आप नहीं आ सकते। Gautam & Vivek: हम आयेंगे और खेलेंगे पार्टी में। When this went on for some time... Reya: नहीं। ....... बस! अब इस बारे में कोई बात नहीं होगी। All: हा हा हा (such a daadi)

Dancing - My favourite activity

I'm the mistress of my house

Gautam and Vivek are the baby sitters at home the days I go to office. On one such busy day (busy for the guys). Reya was picking things off a book rack. Vivek: Reya no don't pick that. Reya: (Looking back at him) क्यूँ यह मेरा घर है। मैं कुछ भी कर सकती हूँ।

Reya's moves - Video

How do you make money?

Mom (driving): Reya I need petrol. Let me check if I have cash. Reya (strapped behind in her seat): Mamma, आप के पास तो पैसे होंगे। आप ko gauta पैसे देता है? Mom: Mamma earns her own money Reya. Mamma भी काम करती है ना। Reya: hmm... तो आप ko computer से पैसे मिलते हैं? Mom (smiling): Yes that's right Reya. Reya: तो computer मैं button दबा te हैं और पैसे निकल आते हैं? Mom (laughing): Haha I wish Reya.

The performer!

Reya: Daadu मैं गाना सुनाऊ? Daadu: OK Reya: (to nobody... and with an object in her hand acting as a microphone): Come on guys! Ready? Play the song. Starts singing a song she's made up, to music that only she can hear.

Lazy Reya

Reya: Daadu please get my toy from inside. Daadu: Reya you get your toys. How will I know about them? Reya: Family को तो बचों की help करनी चाहिये।

Work ethics dear gauta!!

Gautam picked Reya from school and stayed home for lunch. At the table after lunch. Reya: आप का office नही है आज। Gautam: हाँ है। Reya (loudly): तो आप यहाँ पर क्या कर रहे हो।

Many arms = Juggling

Reya: Gauta I want many many arms. Gautam: Why Reya? Reya: I want to juggle. I want to juggle many balls. I love juggling. Guatam: Reya you can juggle many balls with two arms. Reya (thinking): No I need lots of arms.

Eating in Punjabi???

Aunt from Chandigarh: Reya आ तैनू पंजाबी सिखांदे हाँ। Tell your mom in Punjabi - मैनू खाना नही खाना। Reya: OK. Mamma मेरे को punjabi में खाना नहीं खाना।

You seem better now!

Context: My aunt had a major heart surgery. We visited her in the hopital every day and Reya accompanied us. She was genuinely concerned and would ask my uncle, her naanu, "I hope bari naani is better now". We would tell her she is better but she's really weak and cannot speak. Then once my aunt was discharged from the hospital they moved back to their home and we visited them after many days. Reya met her bari naani and chatted with her and after some time she observed: Reya: "अब तो आप की आवाज़ निकल रही है"

Mamma Gauta drowned?

Reya: Mamma Gauta कहाँ है? Mom: He's not back yet Reya Reya: Mamma कहीं वोह drown तो नहीं हो गया? Mom: What! Reya: Yes वोह swimming गया है और अभी तक नहीं आया